
What Makes A Great Team?

I have been known to say, “I am only as good as my team.” This could not be a truer statement. So, what makes a great team? If you know me, you know that I am a die-hard New England Patriots fan. This article isn’t about the Patriots; however, whether you love them or hate them, you must respect the team mentality they are conditioned with from top to bottom. This is seen in every aspect of how this football team is run. There is no stone left unturned, and the success is based on every member staying laser-focused on the goal. Now, in football, the goal is the Super Bowl. However, the overall success of the team is based on much more than this one game.

Leadership is the key to the success of a team. A true leader is focused and determined. The overall goals are embedded in their mind, and every decision they make is based on reaching the goals. A good leader has great communication skills. Every member of his team is given a clear picture of what the goal is and what their individual role is to reach that goal. If there is anything the team member needs to do to improve their performance, it is well communicated with the individual, and direction is given when any opportunity for improvement presents itself. Consistency is a must, and it is clearly understood by every member of the leadership team to the team members. The leadership team must be a united front and always on the same page.

The term “lead by example” is an understatement. If this isn’t a standard for every leader, then they truly are not meant for the position. The leader’s job is to prepare their team for execution, no matter what is thrown at them. They must think of every possibility or opportunity they may be faced with and have a game plan as to how to combat it and deliver. Leadership is giving constant direction and holding the expectation to the standards set in place to reach the goal. Sun Tzu’s quote, “Every battle is won before it’s fought” rings so true when it comes to leadership.

Now, let’s talk about the team. First and foremost, every team member must buy into the philosophy of the leadership team. There must be an undeniable commitment to the goals of the operation and loyalty to its success. I have often seen team members loyal toward some of the goal or to a member of the leadership team. This selfishness is a clear sign that there is either not a unified front from the leadership team or a clear misunderstanding by the individual who believes the team can reach their goals without commitment. A committed team member understands that it takes 100% from every individual for success to be reached. This selfless attitude takes the focus off individual accomplishments and only focuses on the overall success of the operation.

Every team member is always focused on practicing the execution of the role they are responsible for. They truly understand the role they play in reaching the goal. They are quick to get upset with themselves when making a mistake and are also quick to hold the other team members accountable when they make a mistake. This is not a domination or bullying approach, which can be a problem, but a unified focus on reaching the goal. Peer-to-peer accountability is a crucial part of an operation’s success. There are many more team members than leadership members. Having a committed team keeps the standards to reach the goals set forth and is a true help to the leadership team when it comes to accountability.

 Finally, the most important aspect of a great team is respect. Leaders must respect their leadership team and their team members. The team members must respect the leadership team and each other. Without respect, all is lost.

 I’ve experienced the success of a great leadership team developing and coaching a team of dedicated, passionate individuals. There are few things better than the sense of accomplishment in seeing how far a strong team, led by success, can take you!


 Chef Jody Winfield
 B.I.G. Restaurants LLC
 Bone Island Grillhouse

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