Residing in the Oconee Springs neighborhood with the Johnson family is a beautiful 7-year-old British yellow Labrador named Daisy. Daisy shares her home with three mischievous cats, Minerva, Osiris, and Loki. All of the furry family is female except for Osiris, who gets bossed around quite frequently by the “girls” in the household.
The Johnsons adopted Daisy when she was 18 months old. She loves to walk the neighborhood and is easy to see at night with her green light. Minerva is a 6-year-old Ocicat who joined the family when she was 6 months old. Minerva is the ruler of the household, even over the dog. You will most likely see her running to the door to greet visitors, instead of Daisy the dog. Minerva also loves watching bird videos on YouTube!
Osiris is a 6-year-old Egyptian Mau cat who was 6 months old when the Johnsons got him in Maryland. Loki is an 8-year-old Bengal cat that joined the family as a kitten. Being the first cat in the household, Loki makes it known that no other cats are allowed upstairs in her domain!
The Johnsons have lived in the Georgia Club since 2010. They enjoy the ease of walking to the club for dining and golf and the very walkable neighborhoods.