
Meet The Gallimore Kittens

Tammy and Dave Gallimore adopted an adult Maine coon from Oconee Regional Humane Society (ORHS) two years ago. She was 11.5 years old, and they named her “Molly.” Molly went across the Rainbow Bridge in January 2018. Even though they were only blessed to have Molly in their lives for 1.5 years, she left a hugehole in their hearts, and they grieved for months.

The Gallimores got in touch with Kari Wires with ORHS and asked her to be on the lookout for two female kittens from the same litter. Almost immediately, she called and said she had some beautiful kittens for Tammy. There was a litter of seven kittens that had just been born; they didn’t even have their eyes open. The kittens were taken to one of the awesome ORHS foster homes for a few weeks, and about five weeks later, Kari called again and told them to visit the kittens in their foster home. Tammy and Dave fell in love with all seven, but her heart was set on two girls. She already had their names picked out, “Coco” and “Chanel.” A little male kitten also stole our hearts!

The Gallimore family now has three kittens! Dave named the little boy Gizmo. Tammy states, “They have filled our home with so much love! And they are into everything! I hear crashes all during the night. Coco’s favorite thing to do is get in my bathroom sink. Gizmo loves to sleep on his back with his arms over his head. Who needs a sleeping pill when you have three little kittens purring? It’s priceless! Never thought we’d have three little kittens to raise, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

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