
Bethlehem Chick-Fil-A

Bethlehem Chick-Fil-A

This month’s Business Beat highlights the inspirational story of Georgia Club residents, Chris and Ashley Owens, and their journey to become successful Operators of the Bethlehem Chick-Fil-A. Truett Cathy set up something very special when he created the Chick-Fil-A business model.

Each store is a locally run business with deep roots in the community that they serve. In Truett Cathy’s words, “We are not in the chicken business, it is a people business.” When Chris and Ashley talk about their 15 year history with Chick-Fil-A their eyes light up and it is clear that they have taken Truett Cathy’s intention for the business to heart.


Chris & Ashley Owens
The foundation of every Chick-Fil-A store is grounded by local business ownership. Each Operator works hands on in the business and is critically involved in the day to day operations of their store with impeccable work ethic. Chris’ story is no different. Chris graduated from University of Georgia in May of 2003 with a degree in International Business and a minor in Spanish. After spending the last semester of college studying abroad in Spain, Chris was questioning his decision to go into international business. He began exploring what other opportunities were out there and after numerous conversations with friend and mentor, Matt Kirby, Operator of the Milledgeville Chick-Fil-A, Chris became interested in the idea of being a Chick-Fil-A Operator himself one day.


Ashley, grew up in McDonough, GA where several of her friends’ parents were Chick-Fil-A Operators. She was very supportive of Chris’s interest in exploring the idea of pursuing a career with Chick Fil A. Chris learned the business from the ground up, working as a team member in Matt Kirby’s store. Over the next two and a half years Chris worked in every aspect of the business spending 6 months in the kitchen, moving to the front of the house and eventually managing the store.


The First Steps
In 2006 the Operator position opened at the Chick-Fil-A Georgia Square Mall location in Athens. By this time Chris and Ashley were true believers in the Chick-Fil-A community-based business model that embodied “service to others.” Chris went through extensive interviews including a family interview where both Chris and Ashley were interviewed by several Chick-Fil-A executives. Chick-Fil-A understands that growing a successful Chick-Fil-A business requires the commitment of the entire family. This premise has proven to be true as Ashley has been an integral part of Chris’s business from day one. She has worked with their employees, assisted with marketing efforts and even had a short-lived experience running the cash register, which did not go well.


In May of 2006, Chris was selected to run the Chick-Fil-A store at Georgia Square Mall. The store was the first Chick-Fil-A store in Athens, established in 1981, and was the perfect place for Chris to learn the ins and outs of running his own store. Through his experience at Georgia Square Mall, Chris learned first hand the value of being intentional with resources and the affect this had on one’s ability to replicate a business consistently and efficiently.


Chris managed 12 employees and was involved in every aspect of the day to day business working long hours and learning many invaluable lessons. In some ways Chris learned the business following the same path that it’s founder did. When Chick-Fil-A first launched outside of The Dwarf House concept, Truitt Cathy pioneered the food court concept at the Greenbriar Mall in Atlanta. The free-standing Chick-Fil-A was an evolution of the business model.


A Chick-Fil-A Career
From the time Chris and Ashley committed to a career with Chick-Fil-A, Chris’s goal was always to have a free standing Chick-Fil-A store. The opportunity came in 2009 when it was announced that there would be a Chick-Fil-A store opening close to Winder, GA. Once again, Chris went through a comprehensive interview process including surprise visits, announced visits and extensive interviews.


On December 23rd 2009, a day they will never forget, Chris and Ashley got the call that Chris had been selected to run the Highway 81 location in Bethlehem. After a tremendous amount of hard work, the store opened on April 30th 2010, the day after Chris’s 30th birthday. The surprise party Ashley had planned for his 30th birthday became a festive celebration with the first 100 people that camped out for the Chick-Fil-A Grand Opening complete with a cookie cake, DJ and silly string.


How Did They Do It?
Chris credits his success running experience the Bethlehem store with the foundation he got running the Georgia Square Mall store. His early experience truly helping him understand the basics of the business and how to scale that business from is initial 12 employees. Today, with close to 90 employees, Chris has a lot on his plate and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Chris and Ashley’s upbringing in the Chick Fil A family reinforces another one of Truett Cathy’s mottos, “You don’t get better by getting bigger. You get bigger by getting better.”


As Chris and Ashley look together at what is in front of them, one thing never waivers, their commitment to serve others. Whether their future holds taking on additional stores one thing remains certain, Chris and Ashley will stay the course and follow yet another motto of the late, great Chick-Fil-A Founder, “being a faithful steward of what we are given.”


Chris and his entire family have made sacrifices to serve the local community with a strong work ethic and commitment to serve. This goes back to the roots of Chick-Fil-A when Truett Cathy’s personal home was located right next to his store. The store was on a gravel road and Truett would sleep with his windows open.


When he heard people on the gravel road, signifying that Delta shifts were changing, he would roll out of bed and head to the restaurant to serve. Chris and Ashley have simply followed the model that Truett laid out. Chris is at the store six days a week, not because he has to be… but because he wants to be.


The Bethlehem Chick-Fil-A Present Day
Their service doesn’t end with their store. The Owens family and the Bethlehem Chick-Fil-A are involved in countless community causes. They are involved in being partners in education with every school in Barrow County to sponsoring organizations like the Boy Scouts, FCA, and local community groups. Along with this they also participate in the 104.7 FISH Christmas Wish and sponsor the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy at Apalachee High School.


Most recently, Chris and Ashley spearheaded the organization of a golf tournament hosted by The Georgia Club to raise money for critical elements of the new Dove Creek Elementary School, which is the school Oconee Springs in The Georgia Club is zoned for.


Through their hard work the event raised over $45,000 to support the school. As a community, we are blessed to have Chris and Ashley as active members.


Next time you drive by the Highway 81 Chick-Fil-A stop in for a bite to eat and a friendly smile. They would be honored to serve you!
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