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Meet Buster Brannen – Hughes

My name is Buster Brannen-Hughes and I’m 15 years old. This may sound like I’m a senior dog but I still have lots of pep left in me. I live in the Wexford Gardens with my Mom and Dad, Maureen Brannen and John Hughes. I have a younger brother, Maximus, who tries to boss me around but everyone knows I’m the master of the house.

One of my favorite things to do is swim. It seems when I was only a few months old, I decided to take a dip in a koi pond. I sure scared my parents but I survived just fine by doing the dog paddle. My family loves to go on vacation and we always enjoy swimming in the pool, ocean or wherever I can find some water. Another thing I like to do is play ball. Years ago, I could jump really high to catch the ball but the “ole” legs aren’t what they use to be; however, I can still beat my brother  Maximus in a race to the ball!

Every October, my Mom makes a complete fool of us by dressing us up like Batman and Robin. (I have never understood what humans like about clothes!) And in July, she likes for me to dress up for the patriotic parade. In fact, a few years ago, I was named the best-dressed dog for my red, white and blue attire. 

I just love living at The Georgia Club and look forward to seeing all of my furry friends in the neighborhood. 

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